Vn. Korchuganov et al., SYNCHROTRON-RADIATION AND FREE-ELECTRON LASER ACTIVITIES IN NOVOSIBIRSK, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 359(1-2), 1995, pp. 1-11
In the last decade the Siberian SR Centre has implemented a wide progr
am of SR and FEL research in cooperation with various research centres
and institutions in Russia and abroad. The report illustrates this pr
ogram, including joint experiments with the use of SR and FEL sources
available at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, the implementati
on of new joint projects in Novosibirsk and in the other centres, as w
ell as the delivery of equipment to foreign countries, designed and ma
nufactured at the Budker INP or in collaboration with Russian industry
. Some technical information on the storage rings-SR sources, wigglers
, undulators and free electron lasers which are being constructed, use
d or developed at the Budker INP, is given.