Vm. Borovikov et al., POWER-SUPPLY AND QUENCH PROTECTION SYSTEM FOR A SUPERCONDUCTING 7.5 TESLA WIGGLER, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 359(1-2), 1995, pp. 107-109
The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics has a large experience in manu
facturing superconducting magnets, including wigglers (special inserti
on devices) which are installed in straight sections of storage rings
for increasing the photon flux or for improving the spectral features
of the synchrotron radiation. The article describes the power supply a
nd the quench protection system for a 7.5 T superconducting wiggler, p
roduced for the new SR source PLS in Korea. The power supply and the q
uench protection system for the 7.5 T superconducting wiggler are desc
ribed. The experimental measurements of the quench history and the tra
ining effect are presented. An output energy to a dumping resistance d
uring quenching and a dumped energy inside the yoke are estimated.