Gn. Dragun et al., TRANSPORT OF LYMPHOTROPIC TRACERS FROM THE PERICARDIAL CAVITY, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 359(1-2), 1995, pp. 361-363
X-ray fluorescence elemental analysis (XRF) involving synchrotron radi
ation (generated by the VEPP-3 storage ring) was used to study the cha
racteristic features of the resorption and transport of lymphotropic X
-ray-contrasting agents (XCA) - colloidal gold and thorium from the pe
ricardial cavity - and the topography and morphological structure of m
ediastinum lymph nodes in intact animals and in animals with aseptic e
xopericarditis. XRF spectra of the lymph nodes, removed from the anima
ls 1-20 h after tracer injection, were made. The quantitative treatmen
t of the spectra was performed by external standards method. The adapt
ing and compensating abilities of the lymphatic system are demonstrate
d by the XCA accumulation dynamics obtained for intact animals and for
those with aseptic exopericarditis. The transport ability of the lymp
hatic system is shown to increase after XCA injection and to decrease
with time.