We used Microsoft Excel 4.0 for Windows running on a PC-486 to develop
a user interface for two biological simulation models: a lung fluid b
alance model and a fractal model of the pulmonary circulation. The sim
ulation programs were written in the C programming language, while the
user interface was written in the macro language of Excel. The interf
ace builds input data files for the simulation programs and provides a
mechanism for displaying relevant information from output files produ
ced from the simulations. Input fields are partially protected so that
the user cannot modify certain portions of the spreadsheet. The Excel
interface is used to build models from different available components
and to select appropriate parameters for these models. The developed
interface was also useful for running models in the batch mode. After
selecting changes in lung fluid balance parameters, the interface allo
ws users to find new steady state values by automatically running the
model and adjusting initial conditions. Several different graphical op
tions allow users to easily investigate the effects of selecting parti
cular models and parameters. Techniques used in developing our user in
terface can be extended to most biological simulation programs which m
anipulate input and output data files. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.