Between January 1985 and January 1990, six cases of neonatal-onset chr
onic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome (CIPS) were identified. Fa
ilure to gain weight in six cases, abdominal distention in five, and v
omiting in five were the most common presenting symptoms. The contrast
studies of the gastrointestinal tract demonstrated delayed transit ti
me in 6/6, jejunal or ileal dilatation in 1/6, megaduodenum in 1/6, di
latation of the colon with barium retention in 4/6, and microcolon in
1/6, Urinary tract involvement was noted in three patients. Laparotomy
, performed in three patients, revealed no mechanical obstruction. Exc
ept for hypoganglionosis in Patient 4, no recognizable neuropathy or m
yopathy was noted histopathologically. Four patients expired within 2
months after discharge. We conclude that CIPS with neonatal. onset sho
uld be suspected when infants have urinary retention and abdominal dis
tention or constipation beginning at birth or soon after, The prognosi
s of CIPS presenting in the newborn period appears worse than that pre
senting in childhood or adulthood.