A fixed angle, single wavelength laser ellipsometer was tested in PISC
ES-B Mod as a real-time diagnostic for making in situ erosion rate mea
surements. Film thickness measurements were made using a wavelength of
632.8 nm and an angle of incidence of 47.5 degrees at better than 1 n
m resolution over a pathlength of several meters. Measurements were ma
de through a deuterium plasma, which produced an ion flux to test samp
les of about 2 x 10(17) D/cm(2)s. Erosion rates of < 1 nm/s were readi
ly detected and the measured rate for 100 eV D+ at normal incidence on
SiO2 was found to be about 0.04 nm/s, in reasonable agreement with th
e calculated physical sputtering yield.