The 2D multifluid code EPIT [1] has been used to study the problem of
impurity production and transport in the ITER tokamak scrape-off layer
(SOL). Calculations have been performed for beryllium, carbon and nic
kel target plates under the assumption that physical sputtering is the
only mechanism of the impurity production. Results show that for the
beryllium and carbon plates the plate erosion is high. In the case of
carbon plates, up to 45% of the power flowing to the SOL can be radiat
ed. For beryllium plates, impurity radiation is negligible. In the cas
e of nickel, radiation is much stronger (up to 65%) and, simultaneousl
y, impurity production much lower, while the impurity retention in the
SOL improves. A simple 1D analytical model of the SOL is proposed in
order to determine the dependence of the plasma parameters at the plat
e on the input energy, particle fluxes and the hydrogen recycling. A c
omparison between model predictions and code results is presented.