Thirty-three Recent calliostomatids are recorded from New Zealand, ten
of which are described as new. Calliostoma (Otukaia) blacki (Dell, 19
56) is renamed due to homonymy, and the following taxa are newly synon
ymized: Venustas tigris chathamensis Deli, 1950 with Calliostoma (Maur
ea) tigris (Gmelin, 1791); Maurea punctulata ampla Powell, 1939 and V.
punctulata multigemmata Powell, 1952 with C. granti (Powell, 1931); V
. couperi Vella, 1954 and Thoristella chathamensis profunda Deli, 1956
with C. blacki (Powell, 1950), which is resurrected from synonymy und
er C. foveauxanum (Dell, 1950); Zizyphinus hodgei Hutton, 1875, Z. pon
derosus Hutton, 1885, and C. carnicolor Preston, 1907 with C. selectum
(Dillwyn, 1817); C. undulatum Finlay, 1923 and C. pellucidum spiratum
Oliver, 1926 with C. pellucidum (Valenciennes, 1846). Lectotypes are
designated for Trochus selectus Dillwyn, 1817, T. pellucidus Valencien
nes, 1846, and Calliostoma onustum Odhner, 1924.