A three-year study of the occurrence of photochemical smog in the vici
nity of Perth, Western Australia is being conducted by the State Energ
y Commission (''SECWA'') and the W.A. Department of Environmental Prot
ection (''DEP''). The project, termed the Perth Photochemical Smog Stu
dy (''PPSS'') includes extensive monitoring of smog components and met
eorological variables, development of an inventory of emissions of smo
g precursors, and modelling of the combined effects of smog chemistry
and meteorological transport. The Urban Airshed Model (''UAM'') has be
en used for initial photochemistry studies. Input data have been obtai
ned from surface measurements and the author's own mesoscale meteorolo
gical model. While the Urban Airshed Model has proved to have limitati
ons in its application to the Perth region, model results have highlig
hted a number of issues. These, and implications for further work, are