Np. Sukumaran, SOME ASPECTS ON THE VARIATIONS IN DEPOSITIONAL FLUX OF EXCESS THORIU-230 IN THE CENTRAL INDIAN BASIN DURING LATE QUATERNARY, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Earth and planetary sciences, 103(4), 1994, pp. 489-497
Examined in this paper is the tentative history of the depositional fl
ux of Th-230xs (the unsupported fraction of Th-230 scavenged from the
overlying water column), for the Late Quaternary period from a sedimen
t core of the Central Indian Basin (CIB). The measured depositional fl
ux of Th-230-xs is found substantially higher than that of the possibl
e theoretical flux from the overlying water column. Historical records
, reconstructed from the Th-230-xs chronology suggests that the deposi
tional flux has varied considerably with time, reflecting an enhanced
scavenging during the Holocene and the preceding interglacial periods
whereas, comparatively lower flux than the predicted one occurred duri
ng the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) period. The average ratio of the mea
sured depositional flux to that of the predicted flux from the overlyi
ng water column, indicates that the core site acts as a sink for Th-23
0-xs and based on the existence of bottom current activity; the Th-230
-xs could be the result of focusing of younger sediments. The depositi
onal index (Di) has also been calculated to quantify the extent of lat
eral supply throughout the core with time. The estimated (Di) suggests
that bottom focusing and feeble deposition and/or winnowing processes
had occurred and that the former was most prevalent during the Holoce
ne and the preceding interglacials, whereas the latter was observed at
the LGM period.