For swollen polymer networks there is no generally accepted relation b
etween the macroscopic osmotic properties and the scattering behaviour
. Detailed information on the relationship between these properties ca
n, however, be deduced from complementary measurements of osmotic and
elastic behaviour, small angle neutron and X-ray scattering (SANS and
SAXS) and quasi-elastic light scattering. We describe such an investig
ation in two types of networks, differing in the mechanism of cross-li
nking. The SANS spectra yield information on the structure, which is g
enerated both by the dynamics of the system and by long range static c
onstraints. The former, arising from thermodynamic concentration fluct
uations, governs the macroscopic osmotic and elastic moduli of the swo
llen network. The static superstructure in the gel reflects local vari
ations in the cross-link density. The resulting concentration polydisp
ersity, <delta phi(2)>/phi(2), is determined by the details of the cro
ss-linking procedure. Its concentration dependence as a function of ge
l swelling can be expressed in terms of the same macroscopic osmotic a
nd elastic variables as those that govern the thermodynamic properties
of the gel.