A sorting algorithm is adaptive if it sorts sequences that are close t
o sorted faster than random sequences, where the distance is determine
d by some measure of presortedness. Over the years several measures of
presortedness have been proposed in the literature, but it has been f
ar from clear how they relate to each other, We show that there exists
a natural partial order on the set of measures, which makes it possib
le to say that some measures are superior to others. We insert all kno
wn measures of presortedness into the partial order, and thereby provi
de a powerful tool for evaluating both measures and adaptive sorting a
lgorithms. We further present a new measure and show that it is a maxi
mal element in the partial order formed by all known measures, and thu
s that any sorting algorithm that optimally adapts to the new measure
also optimally adapts to all other known measures of presortedness. We
have not succeeded in developing an optimal algorithm for the new mea
sure; however, we present one that is optimal in terms of comparisons.