The efficacy of specific and substitute markers of hepatitis C was com
pared in donor blood screening. 2615 blood donors were examined using
two EIA kits for detection of HCV antibodies. The presence of nonspeci
fic markers of non-A non-B hepatitis was also checked. 1.3% of the don
ors were found to carry HCV antibodies. This necessitates donor blood
testing for anti HCV-antibodies using EIA. Such measure reduces three-
fold the risk of the virus transmission with blood components and prep
arations: The preference should be given to more sensitive test system
s of the second generation, whereas less sensitive, but more specific,
test systems are more valuable for accurate diagnosis and treatment e
ffects assessment in HCV infection. It would be appropriate to perform
compulsory examinations for HCV infection in medical staff. This will
entail efforts on development of the infection diagnostic verificatio
n criteria and preventive measures.