Coronary artery disease may be difficult to detect in diabetic patient
s. This study was designed to determine the specificity and sensitivit
y of three noninvasive tests. Accordingly, the results of 48-h ambulat
ory electrocardiogram (EGG) monitoring, maximal ECG exercise test, and
intravenous dipyridamole myocardial thallium scintigraphy were compar
ed in 59 middle-aged diabetic patients who were consecutively selected
for suspected coronary artery disease. All patients also underwent co
ronary angiography, which was performed regardless of the results of t
he non-invasive tests. Twenty patients (34%) had significant coronary
lesions, i.e. stenosis equal to or greater than 70%, and 16 of these 2
0 patients (80%) had double or triple vessel disease. Sensitivity and
specificity were, respectively, 25% and 88% for ambulatory ECG monitor
ing, 75% and 77% for the exercise test and 80% and 87% for thallium my
ocardial scintigraphy. This observation strongly supports the use of n
on-invasive tests for the detection of coronary artery disease in thos
e diabetic patients at high risk of such disease. As the exercise test
is cheaper and more widely available than thallium myocardial scintig
raphy it should be used as a first line examination. Dipyridamole myoc
ardial scintigraphy may provide an alternative solution for those pati
ents who cannot perform maximal exercise, or with atypical clinical pr