Presupposing that all knowledge is the study of a unitary order of nat
ure, the author maintains that the study of literature should be inclu
ded within the larger field of evolutionary theory. He outlines four e
lementary concepts in evolutionary theory, and he argues that these co
ncepts should regulate our understanding of literature. On the basis o
f these concepts, he repudiates the antirealist and irrationalist view
s that, under the aegis of ''poststructuralism,'' have dominated acade
mic literary studies for the past two decades. He examines the linkage
between poststructuralism and standard social science, and he specula
tes about the ideological and disciplinary motives that have hitherto
impeded evolutionary study in both the social sciences and the humanit
ies. Finally, he distinguishes literature from science and argues that
literary criticism integrates elements of both.