PURPOSE: To determine the prevalence of chronic wrist injuries among a
dolescent gymnasts and the consequences of repetitive stress. MATERIAL
S AND METHODS: Students of a Chinese opera school underwent radiograph
y of both wrists and answered a questionnaire. They were separated int
o study (n = 261) and control (n = 63) groups according to participati
on in or abstinence from exercise training, respectively. They were fu
rther separated into fused and unfused physis subgroups. The ulnar var
iance was measured on posteroanterior radiographs. Abnormalities of di
stal radii were investigated. RESULTS: An increase in both mean ulnar
variance and frequency of ulnar-plus variance was noted in the study s
ubgroups. Fourteen (8.2%) of 170 wrists of the fused physis study subg
roup had an exceedingly large ulnar-plus variance. Sixty-one (17.3%) o
f 352 wrists had abnormal morphology of the distal radii in the unfuse
d physis study subgroup. Widening of the physis was the most common fi
nding. CONCLUSION: Chronic, repetitive stress in the wrists of adolesc
ent gymnasts results in a localized growth disturbance of the distal r
adius with resultant ulnar-plus variance. Stress injuries of the physi
s may lead to permanent sequelae, even in asymptomatic individuals.