A now 33-year-old woman first had psychomotor seizures at the age of 3
years. At 9 years tuberous sclerosis (Bourneville-Pringle disease) wa
s diagnosed, on the basis of sebaceous adenoma, white spots of the ski
n and periventricular cerebral calcifications. Later she developed hyp
erostoses of the cranium and two periungual fibromas. When aged 23 yea
rs she was first noted to have borderline hypertension (145/95 mm Hg)
and signs of renal insufficiency which, over the subsequent 10 years,
gradually worsened: computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging
demonstrated angiolipomas and cysts. Haemodialysis became necessary w
hen serum creatinine level had risen to 9.0 mg/dl, creatinine clearanc
e to 8 ml/min, with proteinuria of 2660 mg/24 h and metabolic acidosis
(pH 7.17, base excess -8.1 mmol). She had no mental retardation nor o
ther neurological deficits and is scheduled to have renal transplantat
ion. There were no hamartomas in other organs.