Objectives: Previously, we have reported that dental composite incorpo
rating the new monomer methacryloyloxydodecylpyridinium bromide (MDPB)
showed no release of antibacterial components after being cured but s
till exhibited antibacterial activity against Streptococcus mutans on
its surface. In this study, in order to elucidate the mechanism of the
antibacterial effect of immobilized MDPB, the bactericidal activity o
f MDPB polymer in water-soluble and -insoluble form was investigated,
and the effect of MDPB polymer on bacterial attachment was estimated.
Methods: Solutions of homo-polymer of MDPB and co-polymer of MDPB with
acrylamide were prepared and the viability of seven major oral strept
ococci was determined after incubation with each polymer solution. For
the estimation of bactericidal activity of insolubilized MDPB polymer
, bacteria were kept in contact with cured unfilled Bis-GMA-based resi
n discs with or without MDPB, and the recovery of viable cells was mea
sured. Attachment of streptococci to cured resin discs with or without
MDPB was also compared using radiolabelled bacteria. Results: Water-s
oluble homo-polymer of MDPB and co-polymer with acrylamide showed bact
ericidal activity against oral streptococci. However, cured resin inco
rporating MDPB, which is in water-insoluble form, had little bacterici
dal activity. Attachment of streptococci, including species which are
early colonizers in dental plaque formation, to the cured resin contai
ning MDPB was significantly less than to the control without MDPB. Con
clusions: These results indicate that the bactericidal activity of MDP
B polymer is reduced after immobilization, but MDPB on the surface of
a resin-based material still shows a bacteriostatic effect and antiadh
esion property against oral streptococci.