To mesh complex geometries efficiently, his the authors' view that a f
ully unstructured mesh generation technique holds the most promise. Th
ere are many papers detailing mesh generation and flow solutions for i
nviscid flows on unstructured meshes; however, the computation of visc
ous flows on unstructured meshes is a relatively new area of research,
To accurately and efficiently compute viscous flows, highly stretched
cells aligned in the proper direction are required in the viscous lay
ers, Many of the currently available unstructured mesh generators prov
ide at most a limited ability to create these cells. In the current wo
rk a method that builds layers of highly stretched prismatic cells on
an existing unstructured surface triangulation is described, The outer
surface of this inflated triangulation provides a natural starting po
int for the advancing front algorithm used to fill the interior with t
etrahedra, Care is taken to limit the possibility of a crossed-over me
sh in concave geometrical regions, If the mesh does cross over, then t
he offending cells are removed, The combined algorithm of surface infl
ation and advancing front is demonstrated on a range of internal and e
xternal flow test eases. A limited number of how solutions are also pr