The deuteron is described as a quantum state on a ten-dimensional mani
fold Mlo of Skyrme fields of degree two, which are obtained by calcula
ting the holonomy of SU(2) instantons. The manifold Mlo includes both
toroidal configurations of minimal energy and configurations which are
approximately the product of two Skyrmions in the most attractive rel
ative orientation. The quantum Hamiltonian is of the form -Delta + V,
where Delta is the covariant Laplace operator on Mlo and V is the pote
ntial which Mlo inherits from the Skyrme potential energy functional.
Quantum states are complex-valued functions on the double cover of Mlo
satisfying certain constraints. There is a unique bound state with th
e quantum numbers of the deuteron, and its binding energy is approxima
tely 6 MeV. Some of the deuteron's electrostatic and magnetostatic pro
perties are also calculated and compared with experiment.