Objective: This study undertook to estimate the prevalence of post-par
tum depression in the community by means of telephone screening. Demog
raphic correlates of post-partum depression were also investigated. Me
thod: The sample was identified through two community health centres.
Over a period of 17 months, 1559 childbearing women were screened at s
ix weeks post-partum, using the ten-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depressio
n Scale (EPDS). Results: The prevalence of post-partum depression was
estimated to be 6.2%, using a cut point of 10 on the EPDS, and 3.4% us
ing the more stringent cut point of 12. Women who were not working, or
those with lower occupational status, were at greater risk for depres
sion. Recent immigrants, particularly those who were not working or wh
o had given birth to a second child, were also at higher risk. Conclus
ion: Telephone screening for post-partum depression is feasible, and c
an aid in the identification of women at risk.