Three experiments examined the time course of phonological encoding in
speech production. A new methodology is introduced in which subjects
are required to monitor their internal speech production for prespecif
ied target segments and syllables. Experiment 1 demonstrated that word
initial target segments are monitored significantly faster than secon
d syllable initial target segments. The addition of a concurrent artic
ulation task (Experiment 1b) had a limited effect on performance, excl
uding the possibility that subjects are monitoring a subvocal articula
tion of the carrier word. Moreover, no relationship was observed betwe
en the pattern of monitoring latencies and the timing of the targets i
n subjects' overt speech. Subjects are not, therefore, monitoring an i
nternal phonetic representation of the carrier word. Experiment 2 used
the production monitoring task to replicate the syllable monitoring e
ffect observed in speech perception experiments. responses to targets
were faster when they corresponded to the initial syllable of the carr
ier word than when they did not. We conclude that subjects are monitor
ing their internal generation of a syllabified phonological representa
tion. Experiment 3 provides more detailed evidence concerning the time
course of the generation of this representation by comparing monitori
ng latencies to targets within, as well as between, syllables. Some am
endments to current models of phonological encoding are suggested in l
ight of these results. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.