Nocturnal enuresis is a very common pediatric problem which often has
strong genetic roots. In the vast majority of children it resolves spo
ntaneously, with time, therefore research and treatment of bedwetting
cannot carry any risk to the child. The research on the etiology of be
dwetting has been focused on sleep disturbances, nocturnal urine produ
ction and functional bladder capacity. So far it has not provided conc
lusive evidence of the pathophysiology of the phenomenon. It is possib
le that different factors may be predominant in different age groups.
Although bedwetters are basically mentally healthy, several studies ha
ve shown that the problem may cause secondary emotional and social pro
blems which can be alleviated with successful intervention. Of the tre
atment modalities currently available to the pediatrician, the most ef
fective is the moisture alarm. Combined with its safety and low cost i
t should become the treatment of choice in most cases.