A review of cases of bladder carcinoma in Ibadan, Nigeria between 1979
- 1989 suggest a changing trend with a rise in the frequency of trans
itional cell carcinoma (49.9%) relative to squamous cell carcinoma (SC
C), Earlier reports from Ibadan indicated a preponderace of SCC, Howev
er, similar to other reports, SCC is more frequent amongst those aged
50 years and below (45.5%) compared to TCC (18%). This frequency has o
ften been related to schistosomal infestation, Though the possibility
of age-related factors are considered, the significance of changing en
vironmental and socio-economic factors are highlighted. Whilst better
public enlightenment and health education, may help in lowering the in
tensity of schistosomal infestation, increasing urbanization and indus
trialization may be increasing environmental factors that predispose t
o transitional (urothelial) cell carcinoma of the bladder.