Objective, At the BOF steelmaking plant of EKO Stahl GmbH a goal that
is being pursued is the improvement of the metallurgical work during h
ot metal desulphurisation while using the existing submerged-lance equ
ipment, and thus the reduction of the desulphurisation costs. To be ex
amined in particular is the influence of the technological variables o
n the reaction kinetics when desulphurising with solid lime. Summary,
Based on the investigations conducted at the hot metal desulphurisatio
n facility it was found that the specific lime consumption rate falls
if the fluidised lime/natural gas mixture is injected with a lower flo
w density. Use of the RE-50 control unit has improved the fluidisation
and hence also the dispersion of the lime in the carrier gas. This ha
s made it possible to considerable reduce the now density of the fluid
ised lime/natural gas mixture. The improved conditions of the kinetic
reaction have led to an average burnt lime saving of 15% to 20% during
hot metal desulphurisation. The fluidisability of the desulphurising
agent must also be cited as an additional factor influencing desulphur
isation in the submerged-lance process.