The growth of human leukemic cells in culture and in vivo is dependent
upon the presence of hematopoietic growth factors, Most populations o
f human leukemic acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML) cells express c-Kit
on their surface and respond to Kit ligand (KL) in culture, To determ
ine if this interaction was of potential significance in vivo we used
a mouse model system, 32D cells, a murine IL-3-dependent myeloid cell
Line, were rendered KL responsive by transfection of the murine c-Kit,
After injection of 32D or 32D-Kit cells into syngeneic hosts, animals
bearing 32D-Kit cells, but not 32D cells, became moribund and were ki
lled, These animals had circulating leukemic blast cells, infiltration
of bone marrow, spleen, brain, liver, lung, and kidney, Cells recover
ed from some of the animals continued to be dependent upon IL-3 or KL
for growth while in other cases the cells were factor independent This
model illustrates that the constitutive expression of c-Kit enhances
the leukemic potential of 32D cells, The model will be useful for stud
ying the progression of leukemia in vivo and testing whether interrupt
ion of the interaction of Kit and KL can affect the growth of leukemic