Muscarinic receptors regulate a number of important basic physiologic
functions including heart rate and motor and sensory control as well a
s more complex behaviors including arousal, memory, and learning, Loss
of muscarinic receptor number or function has been implicated in the
etiology of several neurological disorders including Alzheimer's demen
tia, Down's syndrone, and Parkinson's disease. Muscarinic receptors tr
ansduce their signals by coupling with G-proteins, which then modulate
the activity of a number of effector enzymes and ion channels, Five s
ubtypes of muscarinic receptors (m1-m5) have been identified by molecu
lar cloning and much has been learned about their distribution, pharma
cology, and structure, Less is known about the molecular mechanisms of
receptor-effector coupling and the biological role of each receptor s
ubtype, The ectopic expression of genes encoding a single muscarinic r
eceptor subtype in mammalian cell lines has provided an important mode
l system in which to investigate receptor subtype-specific pharmacolog
y and signal transduction. Expression models have revealed that single
muscarinic receptor m1, m3, or m5 subtypes can activate multiple sign
aling effecters simultaneously including phospholipases A2, C, and D,
as well as tyrosine kinase and a novel class of voltage-insensitive ca
lcium channels, The m2 or m4 receptors have been shown to augment phos
pholipase A2 in addition to their established role as inhibitory recep
tors acting through the attenuation of adenylate cyclase, In addition
to allowing investigations of the regulatory mechanisms of muscarinic
receptors, expression models provide an excellent tool to investigate
receptor-subtype specific physiology and pharmacology.