The self-diffusion of lipid molecules in a system diethyl ester-water-
lecitin at a lecitin concentration 10-90% was studied by NMR with the
magnetic field impulse gradient. The diffusion time was 10(-3) -1 s, a
nd the temperature was 310K. Depending on lecitin concentration, three
regions with different dependence of the mode of diffusion attenuatio
n of the spin echo amplitude on diffusion time were observed. In the f
irst case (80-90%), the mode of diffusion attenuation depends on diffu
sion time. This dependence is typical for the quasi-diffusional regime
of self-diffusion. Physically, this regime may arise from the formati
on of dynamic associates of lipid molecules. The lifetimes molecules i
n the associates were determined. In the second case (60-70%), the mod
e of attenuation does not depend on diffusion time, due to stabilizati
on of the associates. At lower lecitin concentrations (10-50%),. the c
hanges in attenuation are typical of limited self-diffusion. In this c
ase, it is impossible to detect reliably the dynamic heterogeneity of