Isotopically pure Hg-202 vapor, contained in a quartz cell, was irradi
ated with the 2572.5 Angstrom output from a frequency-doubled Ar+ lase
r, which produced Hg-2 A0(g)(+/-) excimer molecules by photoassociatio
n followed by collisional relaxation. Simultaneously applied probe rad
iation from a ring laser, scanned over the range 4150-4650 Angstrom, g
ave rise to the H1(u) <-- A0(g)(+) and H1(u) <-- A0(g)(-) excitation s
pectra consisting of several hundred rotational components. Two previo
usly unobserved rovibronic bands (one in each spectrum) were subjected
to a rotational analysis which yielded spectroscopic constants that a
re compared with some previously reported values.