To investigate the relationship of oncogene analysis to morphology, we
analyzed K-ras gene mutations by dot-blot hybridization with and with
out consideration of histological atypias in individual colorectal ade
nomas. Each of 54 colon polyps were divided into two parts after fixat
ion. One part was used as a mass to assess point mutations: the remain
ing portion of each polyp was paraffin-embedded, stained with hematoxy
lin and eosin, and examined for point mutations related to histologica
l atypias. In the first part of our study, K-ras gene mutations at cod
on 12 were detected in 13 cases (24%). In the second part of our study
, 12 cases had distinctly different histological atypias. From each of
these 12 cases, two areas, one with higher or one with lower grade at
ypia in the same polyp were excised to analyze for K-ras gene mutation
. Two of these 12 cases (17%) had the mutation in different areas of t
he same tumor. These two cases contained the mutation only in the area
s with higher grade atypia, and only one case added information regard
ing ras mutation upon microdissection when compared to the entire biop
sy. These results suggest that oligonucleotide hybridization can ident
ify the majority of cases containing ras mutations despite regional mo
rphologic variation. Individual cases, however, may contain clonal sub
populations within adenomas with different ras sequences from other re
gions within the same adenoma.