The concentration of air pollutants have in general been steadily incr
easing during the last three decades. To correctly gauge the impact of
various sources of pollutants requires careful modelling of the compl
ex physics processes associated with the chemistry and transport of ai
r pollution. These models are computationally demanding and require to
day's fastest high performance computers for practical implementations
. The damaging effects are normally due to the combined effects of sev
eral air pollutants. Therefore a reliable mathematical model must stud
y simultaneously all relevant air pollutants. This requirement increas
es the size of the air pollution models. The discretization of models
that contain many air pollutants leads to huge computational problems.
After the discretization of such an air pollution model, systems of s
everal hundred thousands (or even several millions) of equations arise
and these have to be treated numerically during many time-steps (typi
cally several thousands). Such big computational problems can successf
ully be treated only on big modern vector and/or parallel computers. H
owever, access to a fast high-speed computer is not sufficient. One mu
st also ensure that the great potential power of the computer is corre
ctly exploited. Very often this is a rather difficult task. The effort
s to solve this task in the case where the computer under consideratio
n is a massively parallel machine will be discussed in this paper. Tes
ts performed on several such computers will be presented.