With reference to results of off-line model experiments and actual fur
nace operation tests performed beforehand, a high-rate pulverized coal
injection operation test was carried out at Kimitsu No. 3 blast furna
ce and the following conclusions have been derived: (1) A stable opera
tion has been achieved at the pulverized coal rate of 190 kg/t-pig by
the control of heat flow ratio and the burden distribution control of
peripheral gas flow suppression, with the production of low Al2O3, hig
h-reducible sinter and the raise of cold and hot strengths of coke. (2
) With an operation performed at the pulverized coal rate over 200 kg/
t-pig and the coke rate below 300 kg/t-pig, it has become clear that a
technical subject posed at this operation is how to improve the reduc
tion-meltdown behavior in the lower pare of furnace. (3) It has become
clear that a factor controlling the pulverized coal injection at the
actual furnace is the discharge of unburnt char from the furnace top.
Setting the upper limit of injection rate certainly is a subject to be
worked out hereafter.