A study was performed to examine the utility of an ERP-based irrelevan
t probe technique for the assessment of variations in mental workload.
Ten highly trained Navy radar operators performed a simulated radar-m
onitoring task which varied in the density and type of targets to be d
etected and identified. This task was performed in the presence of a s
eries of irrelevant auditory probes which the radar operators were ins
tructed to ignore. Prior to performing the radar-monitoring task the s
ubjects performed a block of auditory detection trials in which they w
ere asked to respond to the occurrence of one of two low probability t
ones and ignore the other low probability tone along with a higher pro
bability standard tone. ERPs were recorded from the occurrence of the
tones in both the baseline and low and high workload radar-monitoring
conditions. The amplitude of the N100, N200, and early and late mismat
ch negativity (MMN) components decreased from the baseline to the low
load radar-monitoring task and again with an increase in the difficult
y of the radar-monitoring task. P300 amplitude was sensitive only to t
he introduction of the radar-monitoring task. These results are interp
reted with respect to the phenomenon of attentional capture and sugges
t that the ERP-based irrelevant-probe technique might prove an effecti
ve method for the nonintrusive evaluation of increases in mental workl
oad in complex tasks.