The toxicity of intravenously administered (CsCl)-Cs-137 in the beagle
dog was investigated as part of a program to evaluate the biological
effects of internally deposited fission-product radionuclides. The int
ravenous route of exposure was chosen for simplicity and accuracy beca
use it was known that after intravenous injection, inhalation or inges
tion, internally deposited (CsCl)-Cs-137 is rapidly absorbed and distr
ibuted throughout the body, exposing the whole body to beta-particle a
nd gamma radiations. Fifty-four dogs were injected intravenously with
Cs-137 to provide one group of six dogs with mean initial body burdens
of 141 MBq Cs-137/kg body mass and four groups of 12 dogs each with m
ean initial body burdens of 104, 72, 52 and 36 MBq Cs-137/kg. Twelve d
ogs were injected with isotonic saline as study controls. Because the
number of study control dogs was small, data from an additional 49 con
trol dogs from other studies at the Inhalation Toxicology Research Ins
titute that were performed over a similar span of years were also used
. There was a significant, dose-dependent decrease in survival of the
Cs-137-injected dogs. Eleven Cs-137-injected dogs, including all six i
n the highest initial body burden group, died within 81 days after inj
ection, primarily due to hematopoietic cell damage resulting in severe
pancytopenia. An additional 25 dogs had transient hematological dyscr
asia but survived for long times. All Cs-137-injected male dogs had ma
rked damage to the germinal epithelium of the testicular seminiferous
tubules with azoospermia in the long-term survivors. Benign and malign
ant neoplasms occurred in a variety of organs in Cs-137-injected dogs,
rather than in a single target organ. When individual organs were con
sidered, the incidence of malignant neoplasms was increased in the liv
er and in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses of the Cs-137-injecte
d dogs. There was a Cs-137 treatment effect in the incidence of malign
ant neoplasms (P < 0.001) in male dogs but no Cs-137-related treatment
effect in female dogs. However, when malignant mammary neoplasms were
excluded from the analysis, there was no gender difference, and there
was a dose-related response (P < 0.001) in both males and females for
the incidence of malignant neoplasms. (C) 1995 by Radiation Research