Using starch gel electrophoresis, we examined the genetic variability
of kikuyugrass collected from three golf course sites within its geogr
aphical range in California, These experiments were conducted to deter
mine the method of spread of kikuyugrass in areas where it is consider
ed invasive, Samples from roughs and fairways of each of these locatio
ns were compared, Of the 354 plants examined, 12 different genotypes w
ere identified by isozyme analysis, and only three of the nine putativ
e loci varied among the genotypes, Two genotypes, representing 73% of
the plants examined, were found at all three geographic locations. Our
results imply that under common golf course practices, kikuyugrass is
maintained by clonal reproduction. We conclude that low genetic varia
tion does not preclude a plant species from being an aggressive invade