Dj. Picton et al., APPLICATION OF AN EFFICIENT MATERIALS PERTURBATION TECHNIQUE TO MONTE-CARLO PHOTON TRANSPORT CALCULATIONS IN BOREHOLE LOGGING, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 359(3), 1995, pp. 559-565
This paper describes a simple, accurate and efficient technique for th
e calculation of materials perturbation effects in Monte Carlo photon
transport calculations. It is particularly suited to the application f
or which it was developed, namely the modelling of a dual detector den
sity tool as used in borehole logging. However, the method would be ap
propriate to any photon transport calculation in the energy range 0.1
to 2 MeV, in which the predominant processes are Compton scattering an
d photoelectric absorption. The method enables a single set of particl
e histories to provide results for an array of configurations in which
material densities or compositions vary. It can calculate the effects
of small perturbations very accurately, but is by no means restricted
to such cases. For the borehole logging application described here th
e method has been found to be efficient for a moderate range of variat
ion in the bulk density (of the order of +/-30% from a reference value
) or even larger changes to a limited portion of the system (e.g. a lo
w density mudcake of the order of a few tens of mm in thickness). The
effective speed enhancement over an equivalent set of individual calcu
lations is in the region of an order of magnitude or more. Examples of
calculations on a dual detector density tool are given. It is demonst
rated that the method predicts, to a high degree of accuracy, the vari
ation of detector count rates with formation density, and that good re
sults are also obtained for the effects of mudcake layers. An interest
ing feature of the results is that relative count rates (the ratios of
count rates obtained with different configurations) can usually be de
termined more accurately than the absolute values of the count rates.