1. Under Hungarian weather conditions basic correlations were determin
ed for potato variety Desiree between weather factors (heat sum and re
lative soil moisture) and harvest index, and dry matter content of tub
ers, respectively. 2. Based on the relation between the transpiration
of plant stand and the accumulation of dry biomass, a dynamic-statisti
c potato model was developed. To run a direct transpiration potato mod
el of simple structure needs only three kinds of input data: daily ave
rage temperature, daily average of vapour pressure and precipitation s
um. The deviation among the calculated results of the model and the ac
tual yield averages was under 20% in 78.3 percent of the cases. The co
rrelation among the calculated and measured values is fairly close (r=
0.803). According to the results of the model, the weather determines
the size of the yield only in 64%, the remaining 36% is the sum of eff
ects cased by other factors. 3. To operate a simulation model it is in
dispensable to have a potato stand free of diseases, while its nutrien
t supply should be more favorable than limit level. Due to these facts
, the model ensures a realistic yield result only in case of non-deter
iorated potato, therefore the application of the model may be recommen
ded first for seed potato producing fields. The model in its present s
tage may be used mainly for research purposes. 4. By using the model,
theoretically attempts were made to estimate the possible yield in pot
ato at optimal water supply. Based on the results, the average of pota
to yields at proper water supply exceeded the 50 t/ha in each county.
The ratio of actual and potential yields is suitable to evaluate the p
roduction site.