Randomised clinical trials are essential for the objective evaluation
of different treatment strategies in cancer. However, in the field of
oncology, very few of the eligible patients are entered into trials, a
nd most treatments have only been tested on a small percentage of pati
ents. For doctors, a major deterrent to participating in trials is the
lack of resources - particularly time, but often also the local facil
ities. This report suggests that patients themselves are willing to ta
ke part in clinical research, and are attracted by being treated by a
doctor with a specialist interest in the disease and encouraged by the
possibility that their progress will be monitored closely. With the r
ecent NHS changes, it is timely for the Department of Health and other
national health departments to consider carefully what can be done to
ensure that no new treatments are adopted without effective evaluatio
n. This will require departments of health to identify and implement w
ays to facilitate accrual of appropriate numbers of patients onto rese
arch protocols (whether non-randomised phase I or phase II studies or
large, multicentre phase III trials) over short time periods.