Previous studies suggest that many transsexuals evidence an Axis I dia
gnosis according to the DSM-IV classification (e.g. psychoses, major a
ffective disorder). The current study examined retrospectively the com
orbidity between gender dysphoria and major psychopathology, evaluatin
g the charts of 435 gender dysphoric individuals (318 male and 117 fem
ale). All had undergone an extensive evaluation, addressing such areas
as hormonal/surgical treatment, and histories of substance abuse, men
tal illness, genital mutilation, and suicide attempts. In addition a s
ubgroup of 137 individuals completed the MMPI. Findings revealed over
two thirds were undergoing hormone reassignment, suggesting a commitme
nt to the real-life cross-gender process. One quarter had had problems
with substance abuse prior to entering treatment, but less than 10% e
videnced problems associated with mental illness, genital mutilation,
or suicide attempts. Those completing the MMPI (93 female and 44 male)
demonstrated profiles that were notably free of psychopathology (e.g.
, Axis I or Axis II criteria). The one scale where significant differe
nces were observed was the Mf scale, and this held true only for the m
ale-to-female group. Psychological profiles as measured by the MMPI we
re more ''normal'' in the desired sex than the anatomic sex Results su
pport the view that transsexualism is usually an isolated diagnosis an
d not part of any general psychopathological disorder.