R. Hirsch et Cc. Mullergoymann, FITTING OF DIFFUSION-COEFFICIENTS IN A 3-COMPARTMENT SUSTAINED-RELEASE DRUG FORMULATION USING A GENETIC ALGORITHM, International journal of pharmaceutics, 120(2), 1995, pp. 229-234
This article presents a method of fitting diffusion coefficients in a
three-compartment drug formulation to data of concentration measuremen
ts. The volume of the central compartment is not constant, but increas
es with time up to a certain amount. The speed of growth is proportion
al to the actual distance from the final thickness. A model function b
ased on Fick's second law of diffusion is used to describe the concent
ration with respect to location and time. In order to find the values
of the diffusion coefficients they are encoded to data structures on w
hich the mechanisms of evolution can be applied: mutation and selectio
n. It is shown how the convergence speed is influenced by the optimiza
tion parameters: the more individuals are involved in the evolution pr
ocess, the fewer the generations it takes the algorithm to fit the par
ameters. There are optimal values for the rate of mutation (m approxim
ate to 0.008 bit(-1)) and the selection factor, which controls the inf
luence of selection in the mating process. Its optimal value is less t
han unity, which means that the algorithm converges faster when someti
mes the genetic information of the weaker of two individuals is passed
on to the next generation.