Undoped and doped CdTe wafers have been thermally annealed in Ga melt,
or in Cd vapour or in a vacuum to eliminate Te precipitates from the
volume of the wafers. The effect of annealing conditions on the transf
ormation of Te precipitates has been studied by Raman scattering (RS)
and cathodoluminescence (CL) techniques. The as and ct spectra of the
as-grown and annealed wafers are discussed in connection with the dopi
ng and native structural defects and residual impurities. The kinetics
of elimination of Te precipitates was found to be similar in the undo
ped and doped wafers. The rate of elimination is the highest for the a
nnealing in Ga melt. Precipitate-free wafers have been obtained by ann
ealing in Ga melt at 600 degrees C for 24 h. Simultaneously with the e
limination of Te precipitates, Ga melt causes the in-diffusion of Ga a
toms into the wafers. This implies that annealing in Ga melt could be
a superior procedure for the elimination of Te precipitates from CdTe
wafers in which Ga doping is not important or is desired.