Background. The structural equivalent to the manometric high pressure
zone separating the stomach from the esophagus is still a matter of di
spute. We compared the three-dimensional (3D) manometric measure image
with muscular thickness and architecture at the human gastroesophagea
l junction. Methods. Three-dimensional manometric images were obtained
in 25 volunteers by using a stepwise pullback technique of a catheter
with eight radially oriented pressure transducers. Muscle thickness w
as measured in four radial directions at 10 levels between the midesop
hagus and stomach in 37 specimens obtained from organ donors. Muscular
architecture was assessed in specimens from 10 organ donors and 12 hu
man cadavers and was related to muscle thickness. Results. Manometric
30 images of the lower esophageal high pressure zone showed a marked r
adial and longitudinal asymmetry. Radial pressures peaked at the respi
ratory inversion point and were highest toward the left posterior dire
ction. Anatomic evaluation showed an asymmetric thickening of the musc
ular layer at the gastroesophageal junction that mirrored the manometr
ic image. Muscle thickness was highest toward the greater curvature si
de corresponding to the gastric ''sling'' fibers and reward the lesser
curvature corresponding to the semicircular ''clasp'' fibers. Conclus
ions. The human lower esophageal sphincter is not a muscular ring. Rat
her, the perfect march between the manometric pressures and the arrang
ement of muscular structures at the gastroesophageal junction indicate
s that the gastric sling fibers and the semicircular clasps are the an
atomic correlate of the manometric lower esophageal sphincter in human