We report a unique case of Budd-Chiari syndrome caused by pacemaker le
ads-induced thrombosis. A 34 year old female patient was subjected to
a permanent pacemaker insertion because of refractory paroxysmal supra
ventricular tachycardia attacks related to Wolff-Parkinson-White syndr
ome. Three years later, another pacemaker was re-implanted because of
its dislodgement. Four episodes of skin infections at the implantation
site were noted thereafter. The patient developed symptoms of abdomin
al pain and ascites 5 years after the second pacemaker implantation. U
ltrasonography and computerized tomography of the abdomen revealed hep
atomegaly with ascites and dilated inferior vena cava. An echocardiogr
am displayed thrombus formation in the superior vena cava, the right a
trium and the inlet of the inferior vena cava into the right atrium. I
nferior and superior venacavogram confirmed the above findings. With t
he impression that Budd-Chiari syndrome was caused by pacemaker-induce
d thrombus, we removed the pacemaker first and thoracotomy with thromb
ectomy was then performed. The clinical symptoms resolved after the op
eration. To our knowledge, this is the first case reported in the lite
rature and this observation supported the thrombosis theory for membra
nous obstruction of inferior vena cava.