We treated 30 patients with Fournier's gangrene during a 15-year perio
d. Data were collected on demographics, medical history, admission sig
ns and symptoms, physical examination, admission laboratory studies an
d bacteriology. The timing and degree of surgical debridement as well
as antibiotic therapy were also reviewed. The extent of disease was ca
lculated from body surface area nomograms. Data were stratified accord
ing to the outcomes of death (13 patients) or survival (17). Patients
who survived were significantly younger (53 years old, range 23 to 90)
than those who died (71 years old, range 53 to 83, p = 0.004). Admiss
ion laboratory parameters that were statistically related to outcome i
ncluded hematocrit, blood urea nitrogen, calcium, albumin, alkaline ph
osphatase and cholesterol levels. White blood count, platelets, potass
ium, bicarbonate, blood urea nitrogen, total protein, albumin and lact
ic dehydrogenase levels 1 week following hospitalization were also ass
ociated with outcome. The greater mean extent of body surface area inv
olved among patients who died was not statistically different from tha
t of those who lived (7.16 and 4.32%, respectively, p = 0.1). The numb
er of surgical debridements did not seem to influence outcome. To asse
ss better the physiological profile of the patients in both outcome ca
tegories, the acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II severi
ty score was modified to create a Fournier's gangrene severity index.
The mean Fournier's gangrene severity index for survivors was 6.9 +/-
0.9 compared to 13.5 +/- 1.5 for nonsurvivors. Regression analysis dem
onstrated a strong correlation between Fournier's gangrene severity in
dex and death rate (correlation coefficient = 0.934, p = 0.005). Using
a Fournier's gangrene severity index threshold value of 9, there was
a 75% probability of death with a score greater than 9, while a score
of 9 or less was associated with a 78% probability of survival (p = 0.
008). In conclusion, Fournier's gangrene is an infectious disease affe
cting an ever aging population of patients. Deviation from homeostasis
is the most important parameter predictive of outcome and not the ext
ent of disease or performance of surgical debridement. The Fournier's
gangrene severity index is an objective and simple method to quantify
the extent of metabolic aberration that may be used to predict outcome
. We recommend the use of the Fournier's gangrene severity index when
evaluating therapeutic options and reporting results.