There is a significant population of Asians from the Indian subcontine
nt living in the United Kingdom. The majority of them immigrated in th
e early 1950s. They brought with them their customs and traditional va
lues which they have continued to practice. Suicide and parasuicide pa
tterns in Asians from the Indian subcontinent in the UK have been stud
ied by Burke (1976); Merrill and Owens (1986); Raleigh et al. (1990);
and Raleigh and Balarajan (1992). There have been no descriptions of h
omicide in immigrants from the Indian subcontinent (India, Pakistan, B
angla Desh and Sri Lanka) living in the UK. If the cultural determinan
ts for both suicide and homicide are similar the high suicide rate in
young Indian women could be artificially inflated because some of the
suicides by burning could be disguised homicides.