It is still a challenge today to get the statistical approach accepted
by some transmission line engineers, namely for freezing rain icing l
oads. They see heavy icing storms as rare events and they still believ
e that in this case a sound engineering judgment is better than poor s
tatistics. When they are convinced that statistics are good, such as f
or the flood problem, they do not hesitate to accept the probabilistic
approach. Developing extreme values distributions of freezing-rain ic
ing is however a difficult task. Because of the relatively small dimen
sion of major freezing rain storms, freezing-rain icing is not a conti
nuous ''variate'' at a particular site. One way of improving the stati
stics is to take simple icing measurements on a fine grid stations net
work. After only 17 years of measurements with Passive Ice Meters, goo
d fit of extreme values is possible if we use ''mesh'' extreme values
instead of ''station'' ones. Before pooling extreme values into a ''me
sh'' or ''region'' distribution, some attention must be given to the h
omogeneity of the data within a given area. This has been done for fou
r different regions of the province of Quebec with very conclusive res
ults. A mesh of about 50 km seems adequate with a temporal resolution
of 12 h. Since transmission lines are spatial constructions, this find
ing can easily satisfy the need of the design engineers in defining ic
ing loads. And, if some caution is given to identify special topograph
ical features, a better knowledge of the spatial variation of icing ma
kes also possible better line routing.