The electrochemical intercalation of lithium into chromium (V)-contain
ing oxides isostructural with beta- and gamma-Li3PO4 has been studied.
beta-Li3CrO4 can reversibly intercalate around 1 mole of Li ions per
formula unit to give Li3+xCrO4:0 < x < 1 with a discharge capacity of
196 mAh g-L; electrochemical data indicate the possible existence of a
two-phase region in the approximate range 0.3 <x < 0.8. Fully interca
lated material appears to have a gamma-related structure. gamma-Li3.5C
r0.5Ge0.5O4 with a LISICON structure can reversibly intercalate up to
0.5 moles of Li ions per formula unit to give Li3.5+xCr0.5Ge0.5O4: 0 <
x < 0.5. During intercalation, the gamma-phase transforms into a beta
-phase which is retained on deintercalation. The volume changes associ
ated with (de)intercalation of both beta and gamma structures are smal
l, much less than 1%. During the beta --> gamma transition, the orthor
hombic c axis, and the unit cell volume, increase by similar to 2%.