This article describes a new reduced-oxide soldering activation (ROSA(
TM)) process that removes oxides from tin, tin-lead, and copper surfac
es without the use of a flux. In this process, surface oxides are elec
trolessly reduced back to the metallic state by a highly reducing vana
dous ion solution that is noncorrosive to most metals and is regenerat
ed electrochemically. The electroless reduction and redox regeneration
cycles form a closed loop such that oxygen gas is the only effluent.
Wetting time and surface analysis data show that a ten-second exposure
to the vanadous ROSA solution completely reduces all tin-lead oxides
that would normally be encountered on production components. The ROSA
treatment has a wide operating window, provides soldering performance
comparable to that attainable with a fully-activated rosin flux, and o
ffers the promise of providing low soldering defect rates without the
use of CFC solvents.