A SPICE equivalent-circuit model for the design and analysis of quantu
m-well lasers is described, The model is based on the three-level rate
equations which include, in their characterization of charge dynamics
, the role of gateway states at the quantum well. The model is versati
le in that it permits both small- and large-signal simulations to be p
erformed, Emphasis here is placed on validating the model via a compar
ison of simulated results with measured data of the small-signal modul
ation response, obtained over a wide range of optical output powers fr
om two lasers with different lengths of the separate-confinement heter
ostructure (SCH). Using a set of tightly specified model parameters, a
ll the important trends in the experimental data are reproduced, The c
onsideration of gateway states is found to be important, with regard t
o predicting the small-signal response, only for the laser with the lo
nger SCH. This highlights the significance of the interplay between th
e roles of transport through the SCH and capture/release via the gatew
ay states at the quantum well.