This article illustrates an artificial developmental system that is a
computationally efficient technique for the automatic generation of co
mplex artificial neural networks (ANNs). The artificial developmental
system can develop a graph grammer into a modular ANN made of a combin
ation of simpler subnetworks. A genetic algorithm is used to evolve co
ded grammars that generate ANNs for controlling six-legged robot locom
otion. A mechanism for the automatic definition of neural subnetworks
is incorporated. Using this mechanism, the genetic algorithm can autom
atically decompose a problem into subproblems, generate a subANN for s
olving the subproblem, and instantiate copies of this subANN to build
a higher-level ANN that solves the problem. We report some simulation
results showing that the same problem cannot be solved if the mechanis
m for automatic definition of subnetworks is suppressed. We support ou
r argument with pictures that describe the steps of development, how A
NN structures are evolved, and how the ANNs compute.